Imperial Date
ID 0412.13
by QIb vestai yabHuj
This FAQ tries to concentrate basic information and tips about Klingon
equipment: masks, uniforms, weapons, etc.
Please send corrections, adresses, contacts, information and whatever
you know to contribute to this FAQ to me.
This FAQ is posted about monthly to the USENET newsgroup
- alt.startrek.klingon.
- and news.answers, alt.answers
- (Archive-Name: star-trek/klingon/equipment-faq)
The FAQ is available via WWW at (HTML) (ASCII)
You can receive the newest FAQs about monthly via the mailing list. To
subscribe send a mail to
with "subscribe equipment-faq" in the subject line.
0. Structure of this FAQ (Table Of Contents)
- 1. Some general remarks
- 2. Masks and makeup
- 3. Uniforms and clothing
- 4. Acessoires (sash, pins, etc.)
- 5. Blades: betleH, meqleH, daggers...
- 6. Beam weapons: phasers, disruptors...
- 7. Overview over Klingon Equipment
- 8. Useful links for uniforms
- 9. How to find / join a club...
- 10. Other FAQs for Klingons
Sure, you can buy nearly everything a klingon needs to be outfitted at
your merchandize dealer - for a horrifying price and not as good
looking as the klingons you have seen at that con...
So how to get such stuff? Ask the quartermaster of your (local) club.
(S)He should be able to help. If you don't know any club: join one.
In best case, you make your own uniform and an own, unique,
made-to-fit latex mask. That will in any case be better looking than
the mass-produced uniforms and masks - and it will be MUCH cheaper
than bought (custom made) uniforms. Hey! We Klingons are individuals
(even Borgs are)! So be individual! Don't stick too hard to the
series. Go and create your own outfit! Look at the broad variety of
uniforms worn by other fans (e.g. at our webserver:
Just let your imagination and fantasy flow - make it on your own!
The best place to start when you begin costuming is at Thrift shops,
resale shops and flea markets or garage sales. When creating a Klingon
uniform on a budget, the above places are beneficial to your
pocketbook or wallet. These areas sometimes provide a wide variety of
unique items that can be converted to your uniform. Some possible
items to look for are high top boots, toy weapons, old jackets, wigs
and unusual jewelry. Toy weapons can be adapted to make Klingon
sidearms and old jackets can be used to create battle armor. Wigs can
be used for head appliances and extra facial hair. Unusual jewelry
can be taken apart and reassembled to make Klingon medals and awards.
A habit to consider, is to look at everything and if something strikes
a particular cord with you, get it whether you use it at that time or
not. The old packrat syndrome!
Maybe you think, that to do Klingon well you need a costume and
makeup. Many clubs require it (later in your "career"). And, a lot of
people just don't have the $$...
Money? Hey, the most important position you need money for, is postage
and traveling costs (to attend to meetings). There is a lot of fun by
making up stories, plots, planning and organizing meetings, labouring
(sic!) on the language, maybe with an own personal project - there you
DO NOT NEED a uniform. O.k., going to cons with an own uniform is
great, but you can easily do without. E.g. we had quite a lot of fun
with our "transracial" crewmember: a klingon unluckily born into the
body of a human...
A uniform is like a good bottle of wine: first you pick selected
ideas. Let them fester for a good measure, stir them from time to
time. When it's ready, take the best lot and filter it before
finishing. And then it still develops with age!
Add piece by piece, slowly, let your ideas develop. A good accessoire
often makes more "look" than a (much more expensive work of) plain but
"good" uniform. And even if it becomes old and torn - each stain tells
a story, each scar sings of a battle.
If you know the right persons, a fully fledged, custom and made-to-fit
latex mask will be (much) cheaper than the commercial ones. Ask your
local club representative. BUT you can "play" a Classic Klingon, where
there is no need for a latex mask.
The complete guide how to make a latex mask (the FAQ chuQun (Heidi
Wessmann) wrote some quite time ago - 11/1995) is available on our
Webserver (18kB ASCII):
Some (pictured) steps on masks you can see at
As a rough guideline, here some prices for MATERIAL costs (in Germany,
may differ a bit in other countries):
- Latex mask: minimum 20 Euro/US$)
- If treated properly, each one will last some years.
- mold form (plaster of paris, etc.): 10 Euro/US$
- latex milk (enough for about 5 masks): ca. 15 Euro/US$
- false hair (for each mask): ca. 10 Euro/US$
- Makeup: minimum 15 Euro/US$
- You will need makeup to give the mask and your skin the same
colour. Then you will need glue (to glue the mask to your
head) and wax to cover the borders. Grease makeup does better
than water makeup, because it is (relatively) waterproof and
can be toned more easily and better.
- grease makeup (skin colour): ca. 5 Euro/US$
- transparent powder: ca. 5 Euro/US$
- Mastix (theatrical glue): ca. 5 Euro/US$
- theatrical wax: ca. 5 Euro/US$
- If you used pre-toned (theatrical) latex milk, you maybe can skip
this section. But if you used the (cheaper) industrial latex
for casting your mask will be white. Then you should use
special latex grease makeup (rubber mask greasepaint). It
absorbs/reflects light differently and can look more natural
in flash photos... With regular greasepaint the light of the
flash goes pretty much straight through the paint and you see
the underlying latex (another good reason for coloring it),
resulting in the dreaded "whitehead" look....
You can save a LOT of money by using your own creativity instead of a
sales ad. Hey, Klingons are INDIVIDUALS, so take advantage of that
fact! Invent your very own, individual dress. Very distinct and very
our own. On our Qetlops (feast), there are more than 100 fully
costumed and masked klingons - and noone looks like an other. At
Qetlop 97:2 there was a "Braveheart" / "Highlander" klingon (of the
Scottish headquarter), two "armoured" klingons wearing costumes which
had an (American) football shoulder protectives as
major part, etc.
A quite cheap "uniform" could be made of: black jeans or trousers,
mother's old (black) fur or wool pullover, some motorbike gloves (the
thin ones with cut-off fingers) and -belts borrowed from your brother
(or a friend) - and if you assemble that with some spirit and maybe
have some accessoires (invented), you will have a quite good klingon
As a rough guideline, here some prices for MATERIAL costs (in Germany,
may differ a bit in other countries):
- TNG-Uniform: for a good one minimum 50 Euro/US$
- The TNG klingons do have a quite elaborated leather-and-metal
uniform, which begin at about 5 Euro material costs for a
simple plastics filming mock-up (no upper limit).
- black jeans cloth (3m): ca. 15 Euro/US$
- mock-up leather (1.5m): ca. 25 Euro/US$
real leather is much more expensive!
- metal stripes (for border reinforcement) ca. 15 Euro/US$
- big black leather belt (price depends heavily on where you
get one)
- (false) belt buckle (depends heavily on how you make it:
cut wood is cheap, CNC-cut metal is much more expensive)
- + assorted acessoires!
- Spine armor: It is a overlaying series of panels that start
at the from the back of the neck, down over the shoulder
armor, going down the middle of the back to provide
protection to the spine area. This can be made of
different materials but one of the easiest and more
comfortable versions is for it to be made out of vinyl
placemats. Each piece can be cut out and attached to a
long piece of cloth or vinyl and designed to attach with
either snaps or hooks.
- There is a list uf useful links below. I highly
recommend a visit to K'Puts Uniform website before starting to
sow your own uniform: (outdated link)
- TOS klingon uniform: maybe no extra costs
- These can be quite cheap (still good looking) as one can
use normal clothing for most of the costume.
- Civilian clothing: maybe no extra costs
- In the films (esp. TNG/DS9) "civilian" klingons (with cheaper
costumes) could be seen, too. Maybe you can use normal
clothing for this.
Maybe you will want one of that stola-alike command cloaks (as seen in
TNG/DS9)? These are great for wearing as well with civilian clothing
as well as over TNG uniforms.
There are variety of other items that can be used to accent and
enhance the overall appearance of your uniform. This is left to the
individual preference and style. Basic rule is "If it looks
Klingon, then it can be used as Klingon".
If you want, you can add a sash to your uniform. That can become quite
easy and cheap: I found my best one (interwoven strands of genuine
leather) for about 2 Euro/US$ in a "cut leftover" chest.
Some ideas for a sash:
Pins, rings, etc.
You can buy pins etc. at your local merchandize shop. But maybe you
want to invent your own pins and medals - but then you will have to
cast them by your own (or know one who does). How to do that: look at
the hobby section of your local library: lead, tin or plastics modelling.
As for rings and other jewlery: simply ask your local jeweler - that
CAN become quite expensive, but sometimes you can have luck to meet a
guy which is so fascinated by your idea, that you only have to pay the
material costs. Or do that by your own (or let it do by a friend).
Some ideas for (cheap) retitting rings:
- A metal (trefoil) pin (from a merchandize dealer) which was
soldered to a plain ring.
- Get a plain seal-ring (without a seal) and let the trefoil be
engraved into the seal area. Maybe the trefoil can be coloured using
email or other colour stuff.
- Maybe you will want to have a ring with a (false glass-) stone to be
Klingon boots are unique in design. Boots of this type can be obtained
through different costuming resources. The budget version is to
utilize high top boots, trekking or biker boots. You can add horns to
the boots by attaching them with elastic. You can even create a
greater Klingon impression by adding metallic strips around the soles
and an elastic cuff to the tops. Your imagination is the limit.
For the horns on the boots I have seen converted futuristic doorknobs
or coat hooks, even plastic bear claws. They can be glued or fixed
with screws either directly to the top leather or to a metal band
which runs across the toe tip.
Gloves can be done by either purchasing fingerless gloves or take an
old pair of gloves (ones you can find at a Thrift shop) and cut the
finger tips off. To add claws, the blades of a plastic toy shuriken
(throwing star) will work real well. Cut the blades off and glue &
thumbtack them to the gloves. This gives the impression of being
menacing but allows for the safety factor.
First: See section 7 for some glossary and an overview over the
broad weapon families the Klingons developed.
Second: how to get these things?
- Ask the quartermaster of your local club or the club representative
if he knows a good source.
- On some conventions you can see dealers selling anything from raw metal
pieces in betleH outline to finnished betleH. Quite expensive: 50 to
500 Euro/US$. No, I will not link to various (commercial)
pages as I do not know (and therefore cannot recommend) their stuff.
- As for the daggers: they can be found more easily in blades shops
than at your StarTrek merchandize dealer. There are some very
decorative blades, very well suited for using them as "klingon"
blades, e.g. "Phoenix", "Raven". But beware: sometimes the quality
of such blades (especially the connection blade to hilt) can be
abysmal. Prices 100 Euro/US$ and up.
- Do it yourself (*sigh*, you knew I would say that?). Get a wood or
metal plate of appropriate size and cut out the desired shape. Trim
the edges. Colourize it, if you want. Add leather or textile
wrapping to the handles. As for the materials:
- Wood is good if metal blades are forbidden - and nearly
everyone has the needed tools to shapen wood. But wood may
splinter dangerously if broken...
- Aluminium is not as easy to get by and is not suitable for
"fighting", but it has much less weight and momentum. If you
can get airframe aluminium (as it is hard, lightweight and
durable), it is nearly ideal for that purpose. Aluminium
does not oxide (as visibly) as iron does. But you can easily
ruin your tools, if they are not suitable, esp. when they
are designed for steel.
- Iron and steel are heavy. It is not only that a blade from
that material can do harm other persons by its sheer weight,
the momentum of that blade can injure your wrist and hand
(twisting it when not handled correctly). Another
disadvantage is the tendency of that material to oxide -
especially when in contact with sweat. So you will have to
cover the material with (transparent) varnish.
- Do it yourself (II):
If you are after the real (sharp, dangerous) weapons, then you
might want to have a look at the "Klingon Imperial Weapons
Guild" (
They are a loose, club-independent guild of weaponsmiths making
klingon(esque) bladed weapons. Look (or join) for assistance
Contact: mupwI' editors (
Third: How to wield them?
- Generally
- Very, very carefully (as all weapons).
- Only with enough free space around you. So never in crowds.
Especially not near other people.
- Only in a _large_ area to work in. Learning to use a
betleH can be hazardous to lamps, ceiling globes, etc...
- Never when intoxicated or otherwise not 100% functional.
- In public only when obvious as performance. You won't
appreciate policemen shooting "that raging lunatics", won't
- Sharp blades
- Never.
- The only exception: during a feast/meal at the table (to
replace the "asylum spatulas" the Feds call knifes).
- betleH
- Carefully. That blade has quite a momentum - enough to break
your wrist even when swinging it around freely.
- Develop your own style. Maybe you have friends doing (middle
ages) reenactment show fighting, some martial art, etc.
- There
iswas a book by Pacific Warriors (The
Secret Fighting Art Of The Warrior Race). Due to licensing
problems with Paramount/Viacom had to be drawn off market. But
some seemed to survive...
- meqleH
- I guess any machete fighting style would be appropriate here.
But maybe usable analogue to a tonfa? Ask a Kung Fu or
Iaido/Kendo trainer...
Please you ask your martial arts trainer (even if you are one
yourself). Advanced trainers can quite fast adopt to these nonstandard
weapons. They know the most important thing about whirling steel
around: how to move - and (at least as important) how NOT to.
Foam/boffer weapons can be loads of fun to fight with - I will include
an extra section as soon I get the material...
"Original" phasers and disruptors with sound function can be found at
your local merchandize dealer. But very often you can refit a
children's toy gun to look great as beam weapon - maybe just
repainting will do.
If you want to design a weapon by your own, you have various options:
Please DO NOT equip any of your "beam weapons" with a laser.
Lasers can easily blind a person, at least do permanent damage to an
eye. Laser pointers are commonly available in laser class 1, 2 and 3a
(even 3b). Class 1 is harmless, class 2 CAN do harm to an eye, class
3a DOES harm to the eyes. Classes 3b and 4 are powerful enough to do
harm to eye,
skin and many materials.
Even if you do exactly know what you are doing, DO NOT.
As some idiots will be likely to trying to copy your "awesome"
laser-thing without knowing what they are doing. And - BANG - the shit
happened. Because of that laser-equipped gadgets are already forbidden
in some clubs and on some cons. So please DO NOT!
Klingon society developed an amazing multitude of weapon types. See
below for an overview. Maybe you get some ideas about what you really
want for your uniform. And that is the most important part in making
equipment: the right idea.
tlhIngan Hol |
English |
nISwI' |
Disruptor |
Klingons use a standard phase disruptor as a side-arm.
They use a disruptor handgun (nISwi' HIch) and
a disruptor rifle (nISwI' beH) (ST-III).
'uD |
Laser |
pu' |
Phaser |
Archaic Swords / Blades
tlhIngan Hol |
English |
'etlh |
Blade (sword) |
A bladed weapon in general, also: a sword.
yaD (slang) |
Sword |
A sword in general.
betleH |
(Bat'leth) |
The Klingon "sword of honor," it is a two-handed blade
that Klingons will often use in combat ("Reunion"
[TNG]). The Sword of Kahless (qeylIS betleH)
was said to be the first betleH ever made ("The Sword
of Kahless" [DS9]).
meqleH |
(Mek'leth) |
A type of hand weapon, smaller than a bat'telh, but
larger than a knife ("Bar Association" [DS9], STFC).
'aqleH |
(Ak'leth) |
A type of weapon, a cross between a bat'leth and an
ax. It is a pole with a curved blade attached to each
end (KGT).
Spears (different types)
tlhIngan Hol |
English |
naQjej |
Spear |
Any type of spear.
QIn |
Spearhead |
The head/blade of a(ny) spear.
SeDveq |
Spearhead (barbed) |
The barbed head/blade of a(ny) spear.
ghIntaq |
battle spear |
A type of spear traditionally used in battle
("Birthright, Part II" [TNG], KCD).
chonnaQ |
Hunting spear |
A type of spear used in hunting (KCD).
tlhevjaQ |
thrown spear |
A type of spear, thrown with the aid of a chetvI'
Knifes (different types)
tlhIngan Hol |
English |
taj |
Knife |
Any type of knife / a knife in general.
There are many tyes of knives less commonly known than
the other knives presented here. There is the
QIS, a knife with a wavy blade, the
ghonDoqwhich is a knife with a slender blade or
a stiletto, and the tajtIq which is so long
it's nearly a sword. There are also knives not used
for for fighting or hunting, such as the vegetable
knife (naH taj), used for cutting plants, and
the tool knife (pe'meH taj) (KGT).
ghojmeH taj |
Boy's knife |
A knife used by boys training to be warriors (KCD).
Daqtagh |
(D'k tahg) |
This blade is the most commonly used knife in combat.
It is composed of a long central blade and two short,
spring-loaded blade that open outward from the top of
the hilt (STIII, "Birthright, Part II" [TNG]). Some
Klingons believe that if a one warrior steals the
Daqtagh of another during a fight, the warrior
dishonors the Daqtagh's owner
("The Way of the Warrior" [DS9]).
The total length of a Daqtagh is about 39cm with a
23cm blade. The two short side-blades are about 5cm
long. (puqSopwI's version: 42cm / 24cm / 9cm). All
blades are about 3mm tick.
ma'veQ |
(Mavek dagger) |
A dual bladed dagger used in the Mak To'Var, or
honorable suicide, ritual ("The Sons of Mogh" [DS9]).
qutluch |
Kut'luch |
The traditional blade of an assassin. Its serrated
edge causes much more damage than a normal knife
("Sins of the Father" [TNG]). The Knife of
Kirom, a sacred blade said to be stain with the
blood of Kahless the Unforgettable, is a qutluch
("Rightful Heir" [TNG]). Some Klingon groups use the
qutluch in rites of maturity. A young man is given a
qutluch and sent out to draw blood from
someone with it ("Real Life" [VGR]). Note: In
"Real Life", the producers used the Mevak dagger prop
instead of the qutluch.)
The qutluch is shorter than a Daqtagh (37cm) but has
the same blade length (23cm). The side blades are
non-movable and are very small: merely 3-4cm in length
and about 5mm width. But the blades are with 5mm much
thicker than the ones of a Daqtagh thus increasing the
weight of the knife. The fuller reaches farther to the
tip and is broader than the one of the Daqtagh. The
tip is about half as long as the blade (Daqtagh: about
1/3). The most distiguishing non-feature is that the
side blades are not movable as they are on the
SoS taj |
Mother's knife |
A weapon used by a Klingon mother if she is not a
warrior (KCD).
Archaic Weapons
tlhIngan Hol |
English |
'obmaQ |
Ax |
Any type of ax, but specifically a single blade ax,
like a hatchet.
jey'naS |
Double-sided Ax |
An ax with a blade on both sides of its head. (KGT).
'alngegh |
Spike-Ax |
An ax with a blade on one side of the head and spike
on the other.
jeqqIj |
Club, bludgeon |
ghanjaq |
Mace |
A large, spiked club with a metal head (KGT).
Other Weapons
tlhIngan Hol |
English |
'oy'naQ |
Painstick |
A weapon used in the Age of Ascension (nenghep)
ritual to test a warrior's strength. The use of a
painstick on a two-ton Rectyne monopod will cause it
to jump five meters, and will cause it to die of
excessive cephalic pressure ("The Icarus Factor"
[TNG]). The painstick is also used in the Sonchi
(SonchIy) ritual to prove that a
Klingon chancellor is dead ("Reunion" [TNG]).
Qab |
Theragen gas |
A nerve gas used by Klingons. In its purest form, it
kills instantly, but if diluted in alcohol, it deadens
nerves and works as a cure for spatial interphase
madness ("The Tholian Web" [TOS]).
moQbara' |
(Mok'bara) |
The Mok'bara is not a weapon, but Klingon martial arts
("Man of the People" [TNG]). It has several moves,
including the KoH-man-ara (QoH man
'ara') ("Second Chances" [TNG]).
tuQDoq |
Mind-sifter |
A device used to read the memories of a person being
interrogated. High settings can cause irreparable
brain damage ("Errand of Mercy" [TOS]). The
construction of these barbaric devices was
rationalized by the Klingon saying: "In war, there is
nothing more honorable than victory," or
"noH ghoblu'DI' yay quv law' Hoch quv puS"
Common Equipment
tlhIngan Hol |
English |
may'luch |
Battle gear |
vaH |
Sheath |
yoD |
Shield |
botjan |
Shield (force field of a ship) |
HIp |
Uniform |
yIvbeH |
Warrior's tunic, armor (archaic) |
- K'Put has set up a great website with all you might want to know
about how to sew your own uniform - Great!
- (outdated link)
- Studiocreation's website - for StarWars uniforms, but loads of
general information about props and more "complicated" stuff.
- Bloodstar's costuming - good & cheap (German language - sorry)
- Costumes of q'IDar
- KIDC Costuming Mailinglist
- To subscribe, send an e-mail to
- or go to the List's archive:
- The Yahoo-Club "Klingoncostumes"
It is a message base with a good source of photos to help anyone with
their costuming needs.
In best case you know a club member from a Klingon Club...
Simply attend one or more of their meetings before joining a costly or
inactive club. If that club does not fit your wishes, then either make
it fit or look for another. There are quite a lot of clubs (at least
in USA).
If you do not a club member personally, then you should have a look at
"Klingon Clubs and Groups FAQ". You can find it
- about monthly in the USENET newsgroup
- alt.startrek.klingon
- and on WWW at
- (HTML)
- (HTML)
I can mail the FAQ to you (monthly) if you want, or just once e.g. if
you missed the posting and are not able to access WWW. Just drop me a
There are other FAQs dealing with Klingon culture. There is an
overview in the
Klingon Meta - FAQ which is
- posted about monthly to the USENET newsgroups
- alt.startrek.klingon,
- available via WWW at
- (HTML)
11. Credits
Special thanks to...
- Qeltor ( and
tah'IH (
- compagnion webmasters of the Khemorex Klinzhai
webserver, for their constant support.
- P'tar Palshai (
- favourite quartermaster, for his great ideas and
- chuQun ( and
- K'alv Tai qulHaH ( and
- Q'vaD (
- ...for their tips regarding latex and makeup
- Adm. Kragtowl (
- ...for his addenda to this FAQ (and his newbie guide)
- Heike Schmidt
- ...the first one I ever saw (intendedly) tumbling and
jumping while wielding a betleH (Warning: kids, she's
doing show fighting and hours of daily training since
more than 15 years - so DO NOT try to do such things
without at least the same background). Thanks for your
introduction to the betleH, Heike.
- My aikido trainers (esp. Bernd Blasius) and comrades
(esp. P'tar, ye Bajoran flamethrower)
- ...for their training which enables me to develop my
QIbSuvwI' betleH fighting style (based upon aikiken
and kenjutsu).
- HetaQ (Chet Brown) of Pacific Warriors
- ...for their fine book "Secret Fighting Arts of the
Warrior Race (volume 1: betleH)" - sorry, it's out of
- The Klingon Data Banks
- ...for the weapon data bank, which I robbed.
- All of members the Klingon Imperial Weapons Guild
...for their great stuff and colleaguesque support.
Thanks to all the Klingons making the fandom such a great place. These
are especially the ones supporting me constantly with their
information, as there were (a more less than more selected or
complete, totally unsorted list):
- Qor, JeH JorwI' and Capt. Balling
- G'Amar (
- Cmdr. Morgh (
- Volker Grieser of KDF (and other)
- HoD jo'raQ and Qugh tai puqSopwI from
Khemorex Klinzhai
...and all the others not mentioned here.
DISCLAIMER! I know that everything even REMOTELY concerning
STAR TREK is the sole, exclusive and stingily held property of
Paramount. No infringement of those rights is even thought about.
But... this list is mine, not Paramount {{;-)
Distribute and contribute!
QIb vestai yabHuj Chief Ambassador
Volker Tanger Khemorex Klinzhai GPG Key available
Unsolicited advertising mail is not wanted!
Klingon Equipment - FAQ (ID 0412.13)