Voragh's Notes on Klingon Cursing
- Baktag
- A Klingon word used as an insult, as in a "piece of baktag."
Commander Kurn calls his rival Larg this; its exact translation in
unspecified. (Reference: Redemption, Part II)
- BiHnuch
- Klingon word meaning "coward." It was K'mpec's reply to Lieutenant
Worf's formal admission of cowardice as part of the discommendation
ritual. Lieutenant Worf endured the insult to avoid execution as a
traitor's son. (Reference: Sins Of The Father)
- Ha'DI bah
- (Pronounced "KHA-di-bakh.") Klingon word meaning "animal" and usable
as an epithet. Duras cursed Gowron with it during their feud, soon
after the Sonchi bombing. Also written as "ha'Dlbah." (Reference:
Sins Of The Father)
- K'pekt
- A cursing Klingon epithet (pronounced "kuh-PECKED") whose exact
translation is unspecified, but which the drunken Klingon Kor hurled
at Deep Space Nine barkeep Quark when the unwitting Ferengi tried to
end his holosuite battle program. (Reference: Blood Oath)
- lo'Be Vos
- Klingon word meaning an unspecified creator or thing without
courage. (Reference: Aquiel)
- Mak'dar
- A Klingon epithet used by drunken Kozak referring to Quark, modified
by "pathetic." (Reference: The House Of Quark)
- maw' tok
- Klingon expression of surprise. (Reference: The Chase)
- p'tahk
- Common Klingonese cursing epithet. Used by Admiral Jarok as a slur
against Worf. Also used by the Klingon servant Tumek to describe
rival D'Ghor and by Morka for the Romulans in Quark's Bar on Deep
Space Nine. B'Elanna Torres used this familiar Klingon epithet on
her human double. Also spelled "pahtak." (Reference: The Defector)
- pah
- An unidentified Klingon expletive Lieutenant Worf spits at J'Ddan
when the spy tries to bribe him. (Reference: Legacy)
- Qu'vath guy'cha v'aka
- Captain Picard's counter-curse to Vagh that gains the Klingon
governor's respect. There is no translation available. (Reference:
The Mind's Eye)
- R'oiaro
- The Klingonese single-word exclamation or oath used by the Klingon
renegade Korris when he and Konmel began to plot their escape from
the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D security cell and assemble a
phaser-like weapon from hidden uniform parts. (Reference: Heart Of
- t'gla
- An animal (pronounced "TIGG-lah"), ostensibly native to the Klingon
homeworld, which is known for its mindlessness, lack of initiative
and individuality. The Klingon Yeto calls Jadzia "a mindless t'gla"
for not fighting back when her symbiont is hijacked by the Trill
Verad and his armed gang. (Reference: Invasive Procedures)
- t'ooho'mIrah
- A Klingonese word untranslated but by context meaning a useless or
unnecessary thing, as in "why do you dismiss her like some useless
t'ooho'mIrah?" (Reference: Blood Oath)
- Tah-keck!
- Krios' Governor Vagh's curse of Captain Picard after the captain
reiterates Federation friendship for the Klingon Empire. No
translation is available, although it is more precisely written in
phonetic English as "taHqeq." (Reference: The Mind's Eye)
- Toh-pah
- Klingon expletive, as in "you incompetent Toh-pah." (Reference: The
- Tohzah
- A Klingon curse (pronounced "to-ZAH") flung at Lieutenant Worf by
Admiral Jarok, the Romulan defector. (Reference: The Defector)
- Yintagh
- Toral uses this epithet on Gowron before the High Council, which
apparently means to "cut your tongue out." There is no direct
translation given, although the spelling with a capital "I" is
indicative of meaning "life-support system," perhaps implying a
variant on "wind bag" or "big mouth." (Reference: Redemption, Part
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- baQa'
- b'aka (expl! general invective) [may indicate surprise (I've also
interpreted this to indicate anger with oneself: "baQa', I screwed
up!!" (Mark Shoulson, HQ 3.1)] - When Picard failed to convince
Governor Vagh that the Federation wasn't supplying weapons to
Kriosian rebels, Vagh shouted: "You speak the lies of a tah-keck!"
Picard calmly leaned forward and replied, "Qu'vatlh guy'cha b'aka!"
Vagh complimented him, saying: "You swear well, Picard. You must
have Klingon blood in you." (The Mind's Eye)
- baktag
- Klingon word used as an insult, as in a "piece of baktag." Kurn
calls his rival Capt Larg this; its exact translation in
unspecified; , possibly a variant of petaQ. (Redemption II)
- bIHnuch
- Klingon word meaning "coward." It was K'mpec's reply to Worf's
formal admission of cowardice as part of the discommendation ritual.
Worf endured the insult to avoid execution as a traitor's son. (Sins
of the Father)
- Dor-sho-gha!
- Klingon curse used to express great frustration (All Good Things...)
- forshak
- Worf provokes Thopok in Quark's bar: "Is there a pile of rotting
forshak in here, or is it you?" (Looking for Par'Mach in All the
Wrong Places)
- ghay'cha'
- general invective (expl!) [a weaker, less intense, possibly polite
form of ghuy'cha' (Mark Shoulson, HQ 3.1)]
- ghuy'cha'
- guy'cha (expl!) ["Here's another word with strong force. A Klingon
might say it after receiving an unsettling communique. It's a LOT
stronger than the Terran `Darn it!'" (CK) Shows anger when things
start going wrong; it's a stronger, more intense form of ghay'cha'
(Mark Shoulson, HQ 3.1)] - When Picard failed to convince Governor
Vagh that the Federation wasn't supplying weapons to Kriosian
rebels, Vagh shouted: "You speak the lies of a tah-keck!" Picard
calmly leaned forward and replied, "Qu'vatlh guy'cha b'aka!" Vagh
complimented him, saying: "You swear well, Picard. You must have
Klingon blood in you." (The Mind's Eye)
- Ha'DIbaH
- Animal! (epithet) TKD - Kruge, whose gunner destroyed the target
(failing to merely disable it as ordered), called him Ha'DIbaH after
blasting him. (ST3) - verengan Ha'DIbaH Ferengi dog (a classic
insult) KCD - Worf has been accused of his father having aided the
Romulans to accomplish the Khitomer massacre. When K'mpec reveals to
him that the traitor in fact was Duras' father, Ja'rod, he points at
Duras and shouts "This Ha'DIbaH should have been fed to the dogs!"
(Sins of the Father) - Duras and Gowron are both anxious to get to
fight each other for the leadership of the High Council, but before
that can be done, Picard must, as the Arbeiter of Succession,
formally name them as candidates. As Picard enters, Duras says: "The
Council must have a leader now! Complete the rite so I can kill this
Ha'DIbaH! (referring to Gowron)" (Reunion) - Jadzia is persuading
Kor, an elderly Klingon, to convince two other old Klingons to take
her with them to a trip of vengeance. Kor says he can't convince
Kang, if he has made his mind. Jadzia says he can. Kor takes into
self-pity saying his best days are behind him. Jadzia comforts him
and says that in her memories he is a great warrior, and leaves.
Apparently she hit a tender spot. Kor, emotionally touched, looks
almost as in tears and yells after her, but not quite loud enough
for her to hear, "you devious little hadeebah". (Blood Oath)
- HuH
- bile (in humans, a bitter fluid secreted by the liver) PK, gall TKW,
slime KCD - jagh lucharghlu'ta'bogh HuH ghopDu'lIj lungaSjaj May the
bile of the vanquished (enemy) fill your hands! PK - HuH DaHutlh.
You lack gall (bile). TKW - "HuH Pakled!" said ChaqI. "They do not
fix their vessels. They do not even understand how." (STK: 101) [In
the "Curses" section of KCD, which includes insults, I take the
gloss to mean that the literal meaning of HuH is "bile", and
"Slime!" is an English invective of similar figurative and literal
- Hu'tegh
- Fuck! Damn! (excl! not v., a general invective) - "He's one Hu'tegh
fine gunner!" SAREK
- jay'
- intensely ["This word not only intensifies whatever is being said,
it turns the whole phrase into an invective. Alone among the
adverbials, jay' always comes at the end of the sentence." (TKD:
177); a "generic grammatical intensifier" (Mark Shoulson, HQ 3.1)]
(adv) - qaStaH nuq jay' What the #$%@ is happening? mIch 'elpu' jay'
They've entered the @#$% sector! TKD - SoH 'Iv jay' [Who the hell
are you?] qaStaH nuq jay' [What the hell is happening?] ST6 -
ghaytanHa' jay' Not bloody likely! RTb
- k'pekt
- derogatory Klingon epithet. Old drunk Kor has been participating in
a historical battle in Quark's holosuite for three hours but paid
only for one. Quark has alerted Odo, who tells him to shut down the
power. He does. The Klingon inside is not pleased; after breaking
his way out and screaming a senseless threatening roar, he seen
Quark behind Odo. "You dare interrupt the Battle of Klach D'kel
Brakt!? You Ferengi k'pekt!" (Blood Oath)
- ko'tal
- derogatory Klingon epithet. "Look what this ko'tal is doing!" adult
Alexander/K'mtar remarked as he pointed out a holographic Klingon
warrior's error during a knife fight. (First Born)
- korut
- epithet used by Kurn to refer to the cautious Bajoran security men
who were trying to calm him: "You miserable koruts!" (Sons of Mogh)
- lam be'
- (epithet) SAREK
- *maQDar
- mak'dar (epithet) - There's a drunken Klingon in Quark's Bar, nearly
passed out and out of money but wanting credit. Quark goes to show
him off. He bangs the table several times with a mug to waken the
man, then boldly says, "My name is Quark". D'ghor awakens, grins and
growls. Quark doesn't feel so bold anymore and makes up an excuse.
The drunkard stands up saying, "You dare to talk to me like that?
You pathetic mak'dar!" draws a knife and attacks. (House Of Quark)
- mu'qaD
- a curse PK, an insult [N.B. not as in "I put a curse upon you and
your house" or anything like that. Nor is it a swear word. Okrand
intended this as a term for covering the sort of give-and-take name
calling that Klingons might indulge in such as "dishonored son of a
Rigellian spice merchant." (Schoen's example) "Cursing, or swearing,
is considered a fine art among Klingons. One who curses well is the
recipient of a great deal of respect; one who does not curse well
may not be worthy enough to be called Klingon. Thus it was a
compliment when Klingon Governor Vagh said, "You swear well, Picard.
You must have Klingon blood in your veins." (The Mind's Eye) TKW:
148] - matay'DI' vIHtaHbogh bIQ rur mu'qaDmey Between us, curses run
like water. PK - pe'vIl mu'qaDmey tIbach Curse well! ["The commonly
heard sendoff "Curse well!"--roughly comparable in usage to the
Federation Standard "Good luck!"--literally means, "Shoot curses
forcefully!" Curses are considered a weapon of a sort which must be
propelled to their targets." TKW: 148]
- mu'qaD veS
- curse-warfare PK - taghbej mu'qaD veS Curse-warfare has definitely
begun. PK
- pahtk
- a Klingon insult, pronounced "pa-TAK" [pe-TAKKH]. (Sins of the
Father, Reunion) Romulan admiral Alidar Jarok sees Worf and asks to
Riker, "Tell me, how do you allow this Klingon pahtk to walk around
in a Starfleet uniform?" (The Defector) The "Klingon" B'Elanna
rescues the "Human" B'Elanna from an unpleasant situation and tells
her to "Get up, p'tahk!" when she regains consciousness. (Faces) Kor
calls Worf "this traitorous p'tak!" (The Sword of Kahless) Worf
throws a thief he caught on Odo's desk saying, "This p'tak just
robbed my quarters!" (Bar Association) The Doctor's holo-son Jeffrey
shouted, "I'm going to become a warrior and I can't do that if I'm
being led around on a leash by some bloodless patahk!" (Real Life)
Also spelled patahk, p'tak, p'tahk, pah- tak, pahtak and pathk, it
is properly petaQ in tlhIngan Hol.
- petaQ
- p'tahk, pahtk, pahtak or p'tak (an insult, epithet) STE [The
unofficial definition: useless; garbage; non-functional; generally
unable to get anything done right. This is a devastating insult to
someone who has just made a muddle of something. "My interpretation
is that this refers to a weak individual who doesn't carry the
Warrior Spirit within." This may refer to a weak individual who
doesn't carry the Warrior Spirit within; someone acting
non-Klingon." (Riku Anttila) Useless garbage or incompetent person,
possibly equivalent to English "shit" or "shithead" (Mark Shoulson,
HQ 3.1). This epithet has the root taQ "be weird": as a sentence,
literally "be weird, you all!" "To call someone a petaQ would be
calling him some sort of weirdo or pervert." (Kevin A. Geiselman) -
Romulan Gen Jarok sees Worf and asks Riker, "Tell me, how do you
allow this Klingon pahtk to walk around in a Starfleet uniform?"
(The Defector) - patahk (Sins Of The Father) - Duras, the other of
the two to compete for the title of Chancellor of High Council, is
communicating with Picard, who has been chosen as Arbeiter of
Succession, about the Sonchi- ceremony. While at this, he sees Worf,
at the time discommendated, enter the bridge. "Keep that pahtak away
from the ceremony, Picard! He has no place on a Klingon ship. "
(Reunion) - J'Ddan, a Klingon exobiologist who has been working on
the Enterprise, is suspected of involvement in a security breach and
sabotaging the warp core. As discommendated Worf escorts him to his
quarters where he is confined, he tries to bribe Worf to help him
steal a shuttle and escape in exchange for helping Worf to regain
his honor. Worf is silent, but when they reach their destination, he
hits the man several times and snarls at him "I don't know how you
transferred secret information to the Romulans, but I will find
out!" The man spits out "petaQ". Worf continues: "And when we inform
the High Council, they will put you to a slow death!" (The Drumhead)
- The day's battles over, partisans of both Duras and Gowron have
gathered in a bar for drinking, boxing, headbutting and
armwrestling, generally joymaking. Worf's brother Kurn exchanges a
few punches with another Klingon, then laughs and sits with him at a
table. When Worf enters, he introduces the other Klingon to him:
"Worf, good! This piece of baktag is captain Larg. He commanded the
squadron that tried to destroy us yesterday." (Redemption II) - Worf
says there's evidence of a Klingon having been aboard a Federation
outpost, where messages have been stolen. Klingon governor Torak
isn't pleased: "You still try to blame us!" "Have the courage to
admit your mistakes - or are you a lo'Be Vos?" "At least I don't
wear the uniform of a p'tak!" (Aquiel) - Kahless, the Klingon
messiah, has apparently returned from the dead. Gowron, Head of High
Council, is not a believer. As he is transported to Enterprise,
Picard is there to welcome him. "Welcome aboard, Gowron." "Where is
he, Picard?" "I assume that you're referring to Kahless." "I am
referring to the filthy pahtk who's using his name!" (Rightful Heir)
- "pah-tak" is in the script but may not have been in the aired
version (The Chase) - P'tak (First Born) - Quark has been kidnapped
by the widow of Kozak, a Klingon who tripped on his blade at Quark's
bar and whom Quark has, in order to enchance business, told
everybody of having killed in self-defense. He awakens in a Klingon
room in the presence of Tumek, an elderly Klingon. "Where am I?"
"You are on Kronos." "Kronos... the Klingon Home World!" "You are in
the ancestral home of what used to be known as the House of Kozak."
"What's it called now?" "Kozak died without a male heir... the house
no longer has a name." "What about Kozak's brother, D'Ghor?" "That
pahtak's name is not spoken in this house! He is no brother to
Kozak! His family has been a sworn enemy to this house for seven
generations!" (House of Quark) - Three Klingons come down laughing
from Quark's holosuites and notice some Romulans sitting around the
table. They surround the table and Morka speaks: "Who let these
filthy p'tahk in here?" Another replies "Maybe we should show them
the way out" (Visionary) - "Klingon" B'Elanna rescues weak and timid
"human" B'Elanna from the Vidiians, telling her to "Get up, p'tahk!"
when she regains consciousness after fainting. (Faces) - Kor calls
Worf "this traitorous p'tak!" (The Sword of Kahless) - Worf throws a
thief he caught on Odo's desk saying, "This p'tak just robbed my
quarters!" (Bar Association) - Regent Worf growls to Mirror-Garak,
"So this is the p'tak who lost Terok Nor to the rebels." (Shattered
Mirror) - B'Ellana categorically rejects Tom Paris' suggestion
regarding Ens Vorik by saying, "I am not helping that Vulcan p'tak."
(Blood Fever) - The Doctor's holo-son Jeffrey shouted, "I'm going to
become a warrior and I can't do that if I'm being led around on a
leash by some bloodless patahk!" (Real Life) - [K'Tar] glared at
Qua'lon, then spit on the floor. "You petaQ! Your men have ransacked
my home. Taken my belongings, my treasures, beaten my son, dRacLa."
(STK: 166)
- plaQta'
- epithet; Kurn called his friend Largh a "piece of plaQta'"
(Redemption II)
- qagh Sopbe'
- He doesn't eat gagh! ["Everyone loves gagh, so if one is not eating
it, something must be wrong. This expression is used to to mean that
there is something wrong with someone or that someone is acting
suspiciously. It is also a way to refer to someone as a coward. For
Klingons ... this is a rather mild dismissive remark, not a strong
insult." TKW: 137]
- qoH
- a fool - Hagh qoHpu' neH HeghtaHvIS SuvwI'pu' Only fools laugh while
warriors die. PK - not qoHpu''e' neH ghIjlu' Only fools have no
fear. meQtaHbogh qachDaq Suv qoH neH Only a fool fights in a burning
house. qoH vuvbe' SuS The wind does not respect a fool. HIvbe'
qoHpu' neH Only fools don't attack. Hegh neH chav qoH A fool's only
achievement is death. qanchoHpa' qoH, Hegh qoH Fools die young. TKW;
(as epithet) - "qoH!" I was not happy. "You did not engage the
cloaking device fast enough. They have detected us." (Gowron in STK:
101) - "She's not dwelling in the past, like this qoH." SAREK
- Qa'Hom
- "titmouse" KCD [As portrayed in the still visual in the Language
Lab, this bears no resemblance whatever to the small Terran bird
called a "titmouse" but looks more like a small spiny rodent or
hedgehog. The translation reads "little animal (e.g. Ligonian
titmouse)." (Someone probably didn't realize that a titmouse is a
bird!). Okrand says that a Qa'Hom is not a young Qa', "but it does
bear a vague resemblence to its namesake... `titmouse' is only an
approximation of what this word means." (It sounds like he was aware
of the error and tried to explain it away.) Note that the entry on
Qa'Hom is in the "Curses" section of the program. As far as I can
tell, the word Qa'Hom can be applied to someone (or some animal)
that may act like it's a viscious Qa' but is, in fact, just a
little, harmless creature, fluffing itself up to make itself look
bigger. Calling someone a Qa'Hom obviously implies that he is weak
and unable to defend himself, and thus not worth killing. (This is
how Gowron uses it in the introduction to the KCD Immersion
- QI'yaH
- *?!#@ (expl!) [One of the strongest, most foul Klingon expressions;
it defies translation (KCD). Shows disgust or repulsion with a thing
or situation (Mark Shoulson, HQ 3.1)] - "The bartender," I said.
"QI'yaH. Are you sure, Pakled?" (STK: 106) "You are too late," she
said. "He is gone." "Where?" She shook her head. "I wish I knew."
"QI'yaH." (STK: 108)
- Qovpatlh
- (epithet) - [The unofficial definition: insignificant; beneath
notice; useless due to worthlessness. "Oh, don't worry about the
Qovpatlh of a captain on the enemy ship, he's not worth
considering." (Riku Anttila)]
- Qu'vatlh
- #*@! Fuck! (expl!) ["This is something you might hear someone say in
moments of extreme anger. Be concerned if you hear it." (CK) "The
invective va is actually just a shortened form of Qu'vatlh." (TKD:
178) Shows extreme anger, has a rather broad meaning (Mark
Shoulson). Qu' is task, vatlh is hundred. Qu'vatlh, a hundred tasks.
Certainly a curse at having many things to accomplish and not enough
resources to accomplish them. I personally use this one in my own
job." (Kevin Geiselman)] - When Picard failed to convince Governor
Vagh that the Federation wasn't supplying weapons to Kriosian
rebels, Vagh shouted: "You speak the lies of a tah-keck!" Picard
calmly leaned forward and replied, "Qu'vatlh guy'cha b'aka!" Vagh
complimented him, saying: "You swear well, Picard. You must have
Klingon blood in you." (The Mind's Eye)
- taHqeq
- tahkeck (epithet) [Okrand tells us, "If you call someone this, stand
back! This is a classic insult." (CK) The unofficial definition: the
person is dishonest/dishonorable, evil, obnoxious, devious,
deceitful, and basically an unpleasant creature to deal with at all.
No good qualities. "This must a serious thing, probably the
strongest insult of all. I suspect it directly insults the honor of
the one said to, calling him `one who fails to take responsibility
for his actions,' `one who can't be trusted,' `one who has no
honor.' A taHqeq tells lies, that's evident; Kahless fought his own
brother for twelve days and nights for telling a lie." (Riku
Anttila) This is someone you really really don't admire at all,
probably epithetical equivalent to Qu'vatlh (Mark Shoulson, HQ 3.1)
It uses taH "to continue" and qeq "to prepare": "someone who is
always preparing but never acting. A procrastinator (and, by
extention, a coward as well)." (Kevin A. Geiselman) a "martinet"?
(qoroq) - When Picard failed to convince Governor Vagh that the
Federation wasn't supplying weapons to Kriosian rebels, Vagh lost
his temper and shouted: "You speak the lies of a tahkeck!" (The
Mind's Eye)
- tIch
- insult ["Verb, to speak in such a way as to cause offense." MSN]
(cf. vuvHa') - quvwIj DatIchpu', tera'ngan [You have insulted my
honor, Terran.] PK - tlhIngan quv DatIchDI' Seng yIghuH When you
insult a Klingon's honor, prepare for trouble. TKW
- toDSaH
- tohzah STE (epithet) ["This is something one Klingon would call
another if they weren't on the best of terms." (CK) "wimp, nerd,
geek, suck-up" (Mark Shoulson). "... has the elements of rescue and
concerned. Calling someone this would imply that they are concerned
about having someone come to their rescue rather than facing the
business at hand. Always asking, `When is my shift over?' `When will
we get reinforcements?' `Why don't they send help?' A coward."
(Kevin A. Geiselman) The unofficial definition: It implies
foppishness, and softness and weakness. "There's a certain influence
in my head from English `toady' at work here, so I envision some
bootlicking implied as well: soft and flabby and spoiled. I could
see a Klingon thinking of humans as toDSaH." (Riku Anttila)] - "A
Klingon curse (pronounced "to- ZAH") flung at Lieutenant Worf by
Admiral Jarok, the Romulan defector. (MSN dB) Jarok insults Worf
saying, "Get this tohzah out of my sight!" (The Defector)
- *toba'
- toh-pah or toba' (epithet) [This is possibly a misreading of
tohzah.] - The Cardassians fire on the Enterprise and Maht-H'a to
disable them and thus gain an adventage on the chase. Capt Nu'Daq,
aboard the Enterprise, hails Maht-H'a: "Maht-H'a, status?" "Minor
damage to starboard nacelle. We will be operational in less than one
hour." "WHAT! You incompetent toh-pah! You were supposed to be
prepared!" Later, on the planet where the puzzle is finally solved,
the Cardassian Gul who tried to deceive both the Klingons and
Federation, materializes. Nu'Daq shouts "You dishonorable toh-pah!"
(The Chase)
- tojo'Qa'
- Klingon expletive of frustration (All Good Things...)
- tu'HomIraH
- T'oohomIrah (something useless), dunsel, "good-for-nothing"
(epithet) - HurDaq tu'HomIraHvetlh yIlan Get that piece of junk out
of here! KCD - Three old Klingons arrive on DS9 to pick up Curzon
Dax for a trip of vengeance he was bound to with a blood oath.
Instead of Curzon they find Jadzia, who feels compelled to take
Curzon's place even though the Trill law doesn't require it from
her. Kor is on her side and eventually she manages to impress even
Koloth with her skills with the bat'telh, but Kang remains adamant.
At that point Kor asks him: "Why do you dismiss her like some
useless t'ooho'mIrah?" ("Blood Oath")
- va
- Phew! Pha! (expl!) ["The invective va is actually just a shortened
form of Qu'vatlh." (TKD: 178); it is used to show "only slight anger
or distemperment" (Mark Shoulson, HQ 3.1)] - va, tujqu' Phew! What a
scorcher! (Katz) - va, yorIq Do'Ha' Alas, poor Yorick! (GP:HOMLET)
- veQ
- garbage, trash (v. woD); (as epithet) - Then speaking to Pok, but
looking directly into Vok's face, [K'Tar] said, "Throw this veQ
out." Pok stood and moved toward Vok, reaching for the unwanted
guest. "bIyem'a'!" Vok said. Pok stopped short of grabbing Vok. ...
"The celebration," Vok said, "was declared a lop'no. You have
invited the spirits of all our Klingon ancestors. Tradition dictates
that all are welcome to the lop 'no. Even ancient rivals. Even me,
K'Tar." "Chut Quj," K'Tar said. "Luq ratlh," Pok said, almost
spitting his words at Vok. (STK: 23f) "Get this veQ off my bridge."
(STK: 106) "When we catch this veQ of a bartender," I said to Pok,
"I will let you have the honor of killing him." (STK: 107) Qua'lon
jumped to his feet, clearly outraged. "The wife of the veQ who
killed my brother may not enter the House of SepIch." (STK: 166)
- veQnuj
- (epithet) - "Uuughh!" she grunted. "I had to let those veQ-Nuj
handle me. I'm sorry now I just didn't kill them." SAREK
- wejpuH
- Charming! (expl! used ironically)
- yIntagh
- (expl!) STE [The unofficial definition: stupid; dumb as rocks. This
is a direct attack at the intelligence of the victim. May have
overtones of petaQ and toDSaH as well: soft, spoiled, and utterly
useless, with stupidity as the overriding factor. (Riku Anttila)] -
Gowron is about to be installed as the head of High Council, but in
the last moment a challenger appears. Toral, very young, claiming to
be the son of Duras, followed by Lursa and B'Etor. Gowron is not
pleased. "This is outrageous! Duras had no mate - where did you find
him, Lursa? In a harlot's bed chamber?" Toral steps forward : "I
will personally cut your tongue out, Yintagh!" (Redemption I) - What
kind of a yInTagh bar is this? STK
|tlhingan-hol@kli.org on behalf of fonseca wrote:
|> There is a approximated translation for the epitets and
|> Klingon invectives, as shit, hell, my goodness, f*** etc for:
|> Qu'vatlh, toDSaH, ghuy'cha' and the other ones in Addendum (pg 178)?
|Perhaps Voragh could answer this better than I, but we do know a bit about
|Klingon curses.
|Someone once published a web site which listed all Klingon curses used in the
|Star Trek shows. This was useful to see how the curses were used.
I think that was Riku Anttila. Unfortunately I've lost the URL but I did
manage to incorporate some of his comments into my notes from wwhich I'm
attaching relevant extracts below. Like Riku, I too have attempted to
collect all of their uses in the episodes so we can see how they are used in
The first part is taken verbatim from the official Paramount "Klingon
Database" on the MSN ST: Continuum site and is useful primarily in that they
appear to be from some sort of writers guide and reflect how Paramount and
the writers themselves view this material. The second part is a mix of my
Annotated Klingon Dictionary and my "Klingon Lexicon" -- compiled from the
Okudas' Star Trek Encyclopedia, various fan guides, and my own observations
and notes from the episodes (especially the Closed Captions). There is some
duplication between the two as I didn't have the time to edit it down into a
nice, concise article. I'll leave that for someone else to do and post back
to the list. However, I thought that the "raw data" would be of interest.
As always, send any corrections, additions and other comments or flames (of
course!) to me off-list please.
-- Voragh